Tired of Making the Same Weight Loss Mistakes? Learn How to Stop.

One of the members of our Haven program expressed her frustration with her inability to stop making the same mistakes over and over, year after year. If you’ve struggled with your weight then I’m sure you can identify with her frustration. Despite good intentions, prayer and motivation, the goal of permanent weight loss is still elusive…


If I’ve Submitted My Health to God, Why Don’t I Have Victory?

  If you’re a health-conscious Christian who has been praying about your weight and health, yet it feels like you’re still not gaining victory in this area of your life, then this post is for you. It is inspired by a great question that a member shared about her frustration with reaching out to God…

What do Oprah and Samson Have in Common?

In the last couple weeks, I’m hearing from so many women who are anxious and reluctant about participating in the upcoming 21-Day Challenge. Their fears stem from their past experiences with other weight loss programs. They start strong, they begin to see results, and then for one reason or another they sabotage themselves. As I…

Suffer from Anxiety? Let it Become Your Source of Strength.

The other morning while driving, I happened to turn in to a radio talk show about anxiety. The woman being interviewed defined anxiety as “trying to please 2 opposing forces.” ‘Wow!’ I thought to myself, “what a perfect definition.”. As I quickly rehearsed a mental run through of all the areas of my life where…


How your Fear of Rejection is Affecting your Health and Weight

I woke up the other morning from a very, vivid dream. As I think about it now, I can feel the bitter sting and pain as it took me back to a familiar childhood memory – one of rejection. In my dream, one of the women at my church rejected me by inviting the ‘popular’…

Your Comfort or Your Calling—Weight Loss Lessons from the Story of Esther

Your Comfort or Your Calling—Weight Loss Lessons from the Story of Esther

Many of us never reach our full potential. It’s true whether it’s fulfilling our calling, doing great things for God or even being as healthy as we could be. Let’s face it, if being healthy was easy, then it would be a daily habit for us each day; the fitness industry would not be a…