Let’s Get Real—3 Reasons You’re Not Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals

Let’s Get Real—3 Reasons You’re Not Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals

Buckle up, my sisters. Every once-in-a-while I think situations call for a bit of tough love and today is one of them. After speaking to a few women yesterday who have reached the point of desperation, I needed to share this message with you in this particular way. My point is not to make you…

3 Ways to Lose Weight While Vacationing

3 Ways to Lose Weight While Vacationing

March Spring Break is this week for many families, so some traveling may be in the plans. Whether it’s an all-inclusive beach vacation or a road trip to visit the grandparents, vacations can test your willpower. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been on vacations where I’ve acted like I’ve never seen food before…

Need More Balance in Your Life? Try This Instead

Need More Balance in Your Life? Try This Instead

Be honest. How many times have you said, “I need more balance in my life?” What if I told you that striving for balance might not be an ideal goal to strive for. You’re probably saying to yourself, “I thought we’re supposed to live a balanced life?” Well, yes and no. Striving for balance is…

Success Spotlight ~ Brenda F.

Success Spotlight ~ Brenda F.

  Brenda’s transparency with her struggles and her commitment to both her family and her weight-releasing journey is why we’ve featured Brenda in this member spotlight. Let her journey inspire you to always keep striving toward your goals. How many years have you struggled with your weight? I’ve been overweight since I was a toddler….

Feeling Stuck? Practice Saying These TWO Words

Feeling Stuck? Practice Saying These TWO Words

I did a ‘Facebook Live’ on this topic recently. If you missed it, you can listen to it below . . . It’s easy to get into the mindset of thinking our day-to-day choices don’t matter. It’s easy to keep saying “I’ll start again on Monday.” But the truth is, IT DOES MATTER! YOU MATTER! In Exodus…

Change Your Story—Seeing Yourself as God Sees You

Change Your Story—Seeing Yourself as God Sees You

It’s not uncommon that members email me prior to starting the 21-Day Challenge to tell me a bit about themselves.   Although I’m not insensitive to what they’ve gone through, I can quickly see how some women define themselves by their struggles. In our program, we call this ‘false identities’. “Hi, I’m Mary. I’m excited…