How to Overcome the Spirit of Guilt in Your Weight Loss Journey

How to Overcome the Spirit of Guilt in Your Weight Loss Journey

There are so many different strongholds that keep us from achieving our healthy weight. The spirit of overwhelm The spirit of perfectionism The spirit of procrastination The spirit of people-pleasing And today’s topic, the spirit of guilt. First off, let’s clear the air on a word that I use often—spirit. Why do I call it…

Stop Saying You Know What to Do If You’re Not Doing It!

Stop Saying You Know What to Do If You’re Not Doing It!

I’m feeling a rant coming on today, so buckle up. Sometimes my rants are a result of something that I read or heard someone say, but today it’s a result of my own frustration with myself. My frustration is the result of gaining 4 pounds. Now before you roll your eyes and call me petty,…

Developing Patience in Your Weight Loss Journey

Developing Patience in Your Weight Loss Journey

“God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea. Thus the Israelites left Egypt like an army ready for battle.” Exodus 13:18 Being patient with your weight loss journey is probably one of the most difficult skills to master! You start walking a lot; you cut out all junk food…

Unleashing the Power of Prayer in Weight Loss

Unleashing the Power of Prayer in Weight Loss

The Christian life can seem like a paradox sometimes. We believe in the power of prayer so we pray daily for others and we pray for our country. Yet we sometimes struggle with faith and believing God’s Word in our own lives. News flash—you’re normal. There’s nothing wrong with you! But you can learn to…