Here’s why most people don’t achieve their weight loss goals…
- They have no plan for how they will achieve their goals
- They set unrealistic expectations
- They don’t really believe that they can actually achieve them
Learn from these 5 mistakes and use them to help you successfully create and achieve you weight loss goals.
Mistake #1 – Goals are not specific enough
Do you have a specific goal? It should should be well defined.
Here is an example:
Nonspecific – I want to lose some weight
Specific – I want to release 50 pounds by December 31 by starting an exercise program and cutting down on my sugar consumption.
Mistake #2 – You can’t measure your progress
How do you know if you’re improving over time? Can you tangibly show how you will meet the goal? Your goals should be measurable by how much, how often, how long, how many and how you will know when it’s completed.
Here’s an example:
Not measurable – I want to get in better shape
Measurable – I want to have a BMI of 24, and a body fat percentage of 28%, I want my blood pressure to be 125/85, I want to be able to run 5 miles without stopping.
Mistake #3 – You set unattainable goals
When you set a weight loss goal, you’ve got to get real about what is and is not possible. There are certain things about yourself that you may not ever be able to change no matter how hard you try. God will show you what is possible for you. Ask Him to show you how much you should weigh.
Here’s an example:
Not attainable – decreasing your hips to 24 inches while increasing your chest size to 38C
Attainable – attaining a healthy BMI of 24 and waist to hip ratio of .75
Mistake #4 – Your goals are unrealistic and contradict your values
Many people make statements like ‘I want to lose 20 pounds in 1 month’ which is unrealistic and unwise. When they don’t accomplish them, they end up frustrated and the cycle continue. Secondly, are your goals in line with your Christian values and based on something that is possible based on your current lifestyle?
Here’s an example:
Not Realistic – I will only eat 800 calories per day until I lose the weight
Realistic – I will eat 1500 calories per day
Not Relevant – I will have my stomach stapled so I stop over-eating
Relevant – I will weigh what God wants me to weigh by learning what his plan for my health is
Mistake #5 – Your goals do not have a start date or an end date.
Without an end date there is no sense of urgency and you continue to procrastinate day after day and month after month. Choose a goal date that is going to challenge but not overwhelm you. Choose the goal date based on how many calories you will be consuming and how much physical activity you will be participating in.
Here’s an example:
Undefined: I need to lose 100 pounds
Defined: I commit to losing 100 pounds by March 2016
I challenge you to take some time and go through this exercise to help you set a weigh loss goal that you can achieve.
If you need help sticking to your goals, sign up for our next 21 day challenge. We will give you the accountability and support you need to help you reach your weight loss goals.
Hope to see you in the challenge.
My goals are to
1. Exercise everyday for at least 15 minutes
2. Log my daily intake of food on MyFitnessPal
3. Drink 64 oz. water daily
Weight goal is to lose 30 pounds by June 1, 2018 and attain a healthy BMI of 25-28
I have made all of the mistakes listed and more.
I have spent most of my adult life yo yo dieting so I know I need to commit and be realistic.
My goal is to lose 37 lbs over 6 months.
I will commit to 15 mins of exercise every day.
Praying for your victory Meg.
My goal to exercise a minimum of 15 minutes daily for the next 21 days is easily measured, realistic, and attainable. Oversleeping is a threat to my success, so my first priority will be to be waking to spend time with God and seek His guidance to achieve the goal for His Glory.
Thank you for this program
I believe that my goal setting is attainable and with the help of God I will succeed. Thank you
Thank you!